
Zumthor talk creates mountain of media

Syndey Morning Herald 6.09.2004 The Zumthor talks ahave created an unprecedented amount of media coverage for the AAA — too many articles to display here, instead here is an image of a half-page Sydney Morning Herald article by Linda Morris (6.09.2004)

Other articles:

Giving buildings body awareness: A swiss architect wants his profession to go beyond concepts and get real.
—Bernard Lane, The Australian 1/4 page 7.09.2004

Background for living: An acclaimed Swiss architect on a speaking tour in Australia creates structures that fit naturally with the environment.
—Robert Harley, Fin Review 1 page (3 images) 3.09.2004

Its all about us in Black and White.
—Elizabeth Farrelly, Sydney Morning Herald 1/2 page (2 images) 14.09.2004

One man going against the grey
—James Button , The Age 1/2 page (2 images) 11.09.2004

Julie Copeland interviews Peter Zumthor
—Radio National, 11am 12.09.2004